
Monday, March 31, 2025
Travel Agents
Travel Agents: Outside Armenia

Tour Armenia

Updated 2025


From the USA
From Canada
From South America
From the UK
From Europe
From the Middle East
From the CIS
From Australia/New Zealand
From Hong Kong
From Japan
From Africa

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The following is a run-down of agents we are aware of that provide tours and travel sevices to Armenia. The list is updated on a continual basis, but the travel agent business is alays in flux, and we may not catch all closures or openings. 

If we have missed a favorite agent, or you have something to report about any listed here, please send us a message at info2004 @ tacentral dot com. All messages are kept in strict confidentiality.

Inclusion does not mean we recommend or promote an agent or service. Choose carefully, you do it on your own responsibility.

From the USA
Edited list. Inclusion does not mean recommendation or promotion. We cannot recommend any of these agents or guarantee services--some are good, others are not. Choose wisely.

General Interest
alphabetical order

ARMENIA TRAVEL, 100 N. Brand, Suite 315, Glendale, California 91203 - (818) 507-9100 - FAX: (818) 507-9181 - E-mail: Specialize in Armenia, Russia and Europe Tours, ticketing and services. Represent many airplanes, most notably Aeroflot, Armenian Airlines, Austrian Airways, British Airways, Swissair.

CARAVAN TOURS LTD contact  Ashot Margaryan, P.O. Box 1934, Glendale, CA 91209, Tel. (818) 470-2003, Fax (818) 241-5409, Email: Fine company that knows the ins and outs of Armenia.

COUNCIL TRAVEL 1-800-2COUNCIL (1-800-226-8624) Monday-Friday, 9am - 9pm EST ESaturday & Sunday, 10am - 6pm EST, with branches all over the USA, student specialties, can book flights and arrange visas, use them get discounts, then contact locals for other arrangements. Online search calls up expensive options.

DENALINE, 730 S. Central Avenue, #203 Glendale, CA 91204 (818) 502-20-33 Fax: (818) 502-2060 E-mail: Airfare, lodging, tours, adventure tours, eco-tours, excursions and weekends, archeology digs, educational exchanges, conferences and meetings.

DISTANT HORIZONS, 36 Elm Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90802 - 562-983-8828, (800) 333-1240, focuses in unique adventure and culture tours, including Central Asia and the Caucasus. Specialize in Iranian travel. No web site! CAUTION: this agency has a compalinat against them from a local provider for theft of tour content and itinerary.

GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS, 2 627 Lombard Street, San Francisco, CA 94123 - (800) 777-8183; (415) 922-0448; Fax: (415) 346-5535), has been bringing in tourists to Armenia for several years now. In the same league as Distant Horizons and MIR for quality, service and good prices.

INTERNATIONAL CRUISE CENTER, 250 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY 11501 - (800) 221-3254), may be the best place to go for arranging boat tours for the Mediterranean and Black Sea.

INTOURIST INFORMATION OFFICE, 630 Fifth Ave., suite 868, New York, NY 10111 - (212) 757-3884, can't book to Armenia, but they have a list of agencies which can handle arrangements.

INTOURIST USA, 12 South Dixie Highway. Lake Worth, Florida 33460, USA - 1561 / 585-5305 - fax: 1561 / 582-1353 - E-mail:

KATIA TRAVEL, 5065 Hollywood Blvd., #204, Hollywood, CA 90027 - (323) 913-2400 fax (213) 913-2404 .

LEVON TRAVEL, 1132 N. Brand Blvd. GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA 91202 (800) 445-3866 FAX: (818) 552-7701 E-MAIL:, was the only full service travel agent with offices in Yerevan but now faces competition and has a mixed review from previous users, some desparing, others say they are swell. They seem to be the largest in the USA and may have the best deals. They have offered some excellent discount fares of late, at least on the web site, worth a try to see if the fares will play out for you.  The web site was recently redesigned into a much more handsome affair, though not always updated regularly and has issues using netscape.

***MENUA TOURS, 3467 Ocean View Glendale, CA 91208 U.S.A. : (818)248-9771 FAX: (818)249-9990 E-Mail: Web site is down at writing, they are ambitous comapny, hope it carries over to minding their online storefront. Ambitious, quality review mixed.

MIR, Seattle, 85 S. Washington St., Suite 210 Seattle, WA 98104 - 206-624-7289 / 800-424-7289 / fax 206-624-7360 or email at High-cost tours for independent travelers and travelers with independent means: anything they offer you can get cheaper by going direct--they use local providers. Their web site used to use our content without permission, it seems to be corrected now. Uses Princes Maneh Tours for in-country arrangements--go direct and get it cheaper.

***SIDON TRAVEL, 428 S. Central Ave., Glendale, California 91204, U.S.A. (818) 553-0777 Fax (818) 553-0779. Also in Beirut and Yerevan. Like Levon Travel, service as strong, would be great if they published specials on their web site. Request form is not working on web site.

UTOPIA TRAVEL 188-06 Northern Blvd, Flushing, NY 11358 - (718) 961-0700, toll free (800) 326-9250; fax (718) 445-3409) Another agent specializing in Armenia travel.

SILVA TRAVEL, Marlo Garden Offices 444 W. Shaw Fresno, CA 93704, - 559-222-0919, Fax: 559-222-9529 - E-mail: Sales: Online Booking: ours to Armenia in partnership with local group Arminfocomservice Corporation (whoever they are). NOTE: This Agency has received complaints from two previous customers we are aware of, both about overcharging, one about being sued in court for fraud. For more information go here.

Adventure/Special Interest:

A study-tours specialist is the ASSOCIATION FOR CULTURAL EXCHANGE, ACE Study Tours, 910 Sylvania Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 - (+1-877) 465-9050 - Fax: (+1-540) 899-6762 - E-mail:

ADVENTURE CENTER, 1311 63rd Street, Suite 200, Emeryville, CA 94608, USA Tel: (800) 227 8747 Fax: (510) 654 4200 Email:

DENALINE, 730 S. Central Avenue, #203 Glendale, CA 91204 (818) 502-20-33 Fax: (818) 502-2060 E-mail: Airfare, lodging, tours, adventure tours, eco-tours, excursions and weekends, archeology digs, educational exchanges, conferences and meetings.

MOUNTAIN TRAVEL SOBEK, 6420 Fairmont Ave, El Cerrito, CA 94530 800-282-8747, 510-527-8105 - Fax: 510-525-7710 E-MAIL:, hasn't climbed any mountains in Armenia yet, but they are anxious for the opportunity. A lot of treks to Turkey, Mount Ararat is a wish in their eye too.

PIONEER TRAVEL SERVICE, 203 Allston St., Cambridge, MA 02139 - (617) 547-1127, is great for hands-off tours. Groups drive vans around Europe with bottom-end accommodations. They can get you into Russia, into the Caucasus, to the Eastern Border of Turkey--give them a dare, and they'll try it.

See also
Budget Traveler
Jazz Clubs Worldwide
DMOZ Open Directory
World Travel Guide


From Canada

ARMIRAN TRAVEL, 280 Sheppard Ave., 204 Willowdale M2N 1B3 Ontario - (416) 223-9422 fax (416) 223-9464).

CHALAIS TRAVEL , Toronto (416) 362-2222, Fax: (416) 362-3979 - Vancouver: (800) 663-3433, fax:(604) 872-5481 - Montreal: (514) 875-3333, Fax:(514) 877 9899 - email : Mostly India sales, but also Europe and Armenia.

INTOURS CORPORATION, 308-2150 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6S1M8, Canada - 1416 / 766-4720 - fax: 1416 / 766-8507 - E-mail:

Also try
TRAVEL CUTS, 108-1425 West Pender St., Vancouver, BC V6G 2S3 - (800) 972-4004 (BC), 272-5615 (Alberta), 667-1141 (Sask), 268-9044 (South Ontario). Student travel discounts.

TREK HOLIDAYS EDMONTON. Canada Wide Toll Free: 1 888 456 3522 Tel: (780) 439 9118 Fax: (780) 433 1283 Email:

See also
Budget Traveler
Jazz Clubs Worldwide
DMOZ Open Directory
World Travel Guide


From South America

AVIATUR, Oficina Principal Avenida 19 No. 4 - 62 Conmutadores: 2827111 - 2865555 - 2347333 Fax: 2830141 Número único nacional: 900 3312222 - E-Mail:

A. B. TRAVEL, Florida 537 - GAL. JARDIN LOC. 332 1st SS-1005 BS. AS. Argentina. - (+54-1) 322-7372, 393-1951 - Fax (+54-1) 322-7584.

IANTUR S.R.L., at Corrientes 922, 5 to. off. 29, 1043 Buenos Aires, Argentina - (+54-1) 326-1280 - Fax: (+54-1) 326- 2855.


From the UK

General Interest

INTOURIST LTD Intourist House, 219 Marsh Wall, London E14 9PD, England - (+44 207) 538-8600 - Fax: 44 171 / 538-5967 - E-mail:

PROGRESIVE TOURS, 12 Porchester Place, Marble Arch, London W2 2BS - (+44 0207) 262-1676, runs bottom end travel to the former Soviet Union.

PAGE & MOY (+44 0533) 524-463

SUNVIL TRAVEL (+44 081) 568-4499 - Fax: (+44 081) 568-8330, 7 & 8 Upper Square Old Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 7BJ.

THOMSON WORLDWIDE, Greater London House Hampstead Road LONDON NW1 7SD - (+44 0207) 387 9321 - Fax: (+44 0207) 387 8451.

TRAVELSPHERE, Compass House Rockingham Road MARKET HARBOROUGH Leics LE16 7QD - (+44 01858) 410-818.

Adventure/Special Interest

A study-tours specialist is the ASSOCIATION FOR CULTURAL EXCHANGE, ACE Study Tours, Babraham, Cambridge CB2 4AP - (+44-01223) 835-055 - Fax: (+44-01223) 837-394 - E-mail:

If you want to some in from the top of the Caucasus, try DAGESTAN TOURS, 5A Shepherd Market, London W1Y 7HR - (+44-207) 495-3300), EXPLORE WORLDWIDE 1 Frederick St. Aldershot, Hants GU11 1LQ - Reservations: Tel: +44 (0)1252 760000 Fax: +44 (0)1252 760001 Arranges adventure travel, including overland trips to the Caucasus. They are huge, should be able to get you there. Branch offices in Belgium,

ICON TRAVEL, 14 Heathside Road, Northwood, Middlesex, HA6 2EF, United Kingdom - (+44-207) 4315482 Fax: (+44-207) 4331018 or 0870 0569060 - E-mail: They feature Georgia, but they can arrange tours to Armenia too. Good for combining the countries.

REGENT HOLIDAYS - 15 John Street Bristol BS1 2HR - +44 (0) 117 921 1711 Fax: +44 (0) 117 925 4866 - Email: Can arrange a specialized tour for your group only.

See also
Independent Traveler
Budget Traveler
Travel Library


From Europe

CLUB MARCO POLO ( 88-26-51-0 fax 88-26-51-2) at Samergasse 27, 5020 Salzburg, Austria, has ski-trips to Georgia., From there you are just a jump away to Tzakghadzor.

IMPERIAL TOURS, Lueger Ring 8 1010 Vienna, Austria (+43-1) 535 69 70 Fax : (+43-1) 534 11 202 - E-mail: Austria to Armenia.

Bagattenstr. 176, Ghent, B-9000, BELGIUM Tel: (09) 223 0069 Fax: (09) 223 0435 Email:

, Sofia 1202, BULGARIA, 44, Pop Bogomil Str. (+359 2) 983.33.22, 983.23.71, 983.30.90, 983.55.68 Fax: (+359 2) 983.33.22 E-mail:

SOFINTOUR LTD., 24, Al. Stambolijski Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria - (+359 2 987 60 12, 981 53 15, 981 49 28 - Fax: (+359 2981 25 68 email:

SARAFOVO, in Burgas (35956) 855-119, 683-079, fax 855-119.

Also try SAMVEL MARGARIAN, 53, Buzludja St., 1000 Sofia - (3592) 540-787, 540-549, 514-769; fax (35956) 540-787.

Czech Republic:
POLAREX, Na Vaclavce 35, 150 00 PRAGUE 5, Czech Republic phone: ++420 2 5156 0386, 5156 4505, fax: ++420 2 5156 5466 E-mail:

INTER-TRAVEL Frederiksholms Kanal 2, Copenhagen K, DK 1220, DENMARK Tel: (33) 150077 Fax: (33) 156018 Email:

SCANDINAVIAN STUDENT TRAVEL SERVICES, Hauchsvej 17 DK-1825 Frederiksberg C, Denmark - (31) 21-47-40 fax (31) 21-63-31, Can get you to Russia and Armenia.

OY FINNSOV TOURS LTD, Eerikinkatu 3, 00100 Helsinki, Finland - 3589 / 694-2011, 3584-0760-61-61 - fax: 3589 / 694-5534 - E-mail: Web:

CGTT 82, rue d'Hauteville, 75010 Paris - CIS inquiries: (+ 331) - Fax : - E-mail : Efficient, specialists to Russia and NIS, comparable prices to other agencies. Offices in Moscow, St-Petersburg, Kiev, Almati, Tashkent, Baku et Tbilisi.

LITOUR, Paris: 9 avenue de l'Opéra 75001 - Paris - FRANCE : +33 (0)1 44 86 08 80 Fax: +33 (0)1 44 86 08 87 E-mail: - Marseilles: 7, rue de la République 13002 - Marseille - FRANCE : +33 (0)4 96 11 66 00 Fax: +33 (0)4 96 11 66 09. Airfare and arrangements, the big one is serving Armenia!

SABERATOURS in Paris ( (33-1) 42-61-51-13 fax (3-1) 42-61-94-53), 19, rue St. Roche, 75001 Paris; and SEVAN VOYAGES ( (33-4) 78-60-13-66 fax (33-4) 78-60-92-26. They have undoubtedly the friendliest staff in Yerevan, and make up for the lack of speed in responding to requests with their genuine interest in your well-being, helpful advice, and the superb coffee they serve as you visit them. Too bad they are so expensive.

Also in Paris try TRANSTOUR, 10,rue du fbg Montmartre, 75009; Paris - (+33-1) 532-4343 - Fax: (+33-1) 532-43459.

In Germany contact SKYLINK EVEREST, Muenchener St. 54, 60041, Frankfurt am Main - (+069) 234242 - Fax: (+069) 237715 - E-mail: .

GOLDAIR, 15, Panapistiniou Ave., 10564 Athens - (301) 323-8086 - Fax: (301) 323-1205 - E-mail: .

D'Olier Chambers, 1 Hawkins St, Dublin 2, IRELAND Tel: (01) 677 9479 Fax: (01) 679 3948

CARAVAN TOURS LTD contact  Mr. Bedros Anserian, Lebanon, Tel:  (00-961-1) 56-28-71, Fax: (00-961-1) 56-20-45, E-mail: Fine company that knows the ins and outs of Armenia.

TEN VIAGGI S.R.L., Via Fabio Filizi, 8, 20124 Milan, Italia - 3902 / 670-9281 - fax: 3902 / 670-9304 - E-mail:

INTOURIST S. A, 41, Rue des Glacis, L-1628 Luxembourg - 352 / 47-1961, 22-3296 - fax: 352 / 22-4633 - E-mail:

Muiderslotweg 112, Haarlem, 2026 AS, NETHERLANDS Tel: (023) 5382 954 Fax: (023) 5384 744 Email:

INTOURIST NORWAY AS, Fr. Nansens plass 8, 0160 Oslo, Norway - 4722 / 42-28-99, 42-61-97 - fax: 4722 / 42-62-01

WORLDWIDE ADVENTURES AS Nedre Slottsgate 12, Oslo, 0157, NORWAY Tel: 22404890 Fax: 22404891 Email:

INTOURIST WARSZAWA Ltd., 10, Nowogrodzka Street, 00509 Warsaw, Poland - 4822 / 625-0852, 622-3211, 622-3206 - fax: 4822 / 629-0202 - E-mail :

FRAM RESOR AB, Kungsgatan 55, 56, P.O. Box 64, S-101 20, Stockholm, Sweden - 468 / 21-5934 - fax: 468 / 21-4969

See also
Budget Traveler
Travel Library
DMOZ Open Directory
Gruppo Editoriale Armenia


From the Middle East

In Cyprus, R & T TRAVEL AND TOURS, Vasileos Georghiou A', Stala Court - Potamos Yermasoyias P.O.Box 54355 - Limassol - Cyprus Tel.: 357-5-310810 - Fax : 357-5-326477 Larnaca Offices -Tel: 357-4-629294 London Offices - Tel.: 44-81-348-2545

In Dubai contact AL PASO TOURS AND SHIPPING ( (04) 227-700, 246-543; fax (04) 239-977), PO Box 20760, Dubai, U.A.E.

In Iran visit URAN DOOSTAN TOURS, No.15, 3rd St., Vali-e-Asr Ave., Opposite to Mottahari St. Tehran - 14336 I.R. Iran P.O. Box 14335-144 Tel +98 21 872 29 75 ~ 77 fax: +98 21 871 29 27, E-mail: Arrange Classical, Adventure & Business tours, including archeological tours. Arrange visas, should be able to get you to Armenian border, or pick you up and take you into the the Persian side of Armenia's history.

In Istanbul try GOLDAIR ( (0212) 246-1171, 240-5063, 240-8927; fax (7095) 202-8023).

In Kuwait contact AL-AUJAIRY TRAVELS, PO Box 24742 Safat 13108, Kuwait - (965) 242 38 85, 6 - Fax (965) 242 39 85.

Lebanon: CARAVAN TOURS LTD contact  Mr. Bedros Anserian, Lebanon, Tel:  (00-961-1) 56-28-71, Fax: (00-961-1) 56-20-45, E-mail: Fine company that knows the ins and outs of Armenia.

TANIA TRAVEL - Beirut - Lebanon - +961 1 616555 / 739682 Sodeco: Sodeco Square, - +961 (1) 616555 (hunting line) - Fax. +961 (1) 616561 - Mobile: (3) 611428 - E-mail: Hamra : Sidani street, facing Cinema Jeanne d'Arc, - +961 (1) 739682 (hunting line) - Fax. +961 (1) 340473 - Mobile: (3) 812375 - E-mail: Local Services include tours flights to Armenia, some services, local tours and lodging, international flights and tours to Austria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Malta, Spain, Tunis, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Syria.

Also try LATTA, Armenian St., PO Box 175200, Beirut - (9611) 0158-5562, (9613) 664-226; fax (9611) 449-799).

In Tehran contact IRAN AIR TOURS, 191 Motahari Ave., Tehran 15879 - (9821) 858-170, 875-839, 868-415).

In Tel Aviv try FLYING CARPET, 44, Ben Yahuda St., Tel Aviv. - (03) 515-1646. Web site in Hebrew.

See also
Budget Traveler
Travel Library
DMOZ Open Directory
Ornithologial Inst. Middle East


From the CIS


CGTT BAKU, CASPIEN BUSINESS CENTER - 40, J. Jabbarli KEesi Tél : (994.12) 97.38.40 - Fax : (994.12) 97.37.43 - E-mail :


ADVENTURE, 69 Kostava Street, Tbilisi, Georgia (995-32)-379400 Fax: (995-32)-379500 E-mail:

CAUCASUS TRAVEL 5-7 Shavteli Street, 380005, Tbilisi, Georgia (995-32)-987400 Fax: (995-32)-987399 E-mail: specializes in Georgian tours and can get you to Armenia or Azerbaijan.

ES GEORGIA TOURS, 4 Lesilidze Street, Tbilisi, Georgia (995-32)-999418 or (995-99)-500715 E-mail:

GEORGIA TRAVEL, 13 Shanidze Street, Tbilisi, Georgia (995-32)-227595 Fax: (995-32)-985607 E-mail:

INTOURIST, Hotel Iveria, Tbilisi, Georgia (995 32) 997828 Fax: (995 32)-755335 E-mail:

LEVON TRAVEL, 20 Chavchavadze Ave. Tbilisi, Georgia. TEL: (995 32) 250010 FAX: (995 32) 232399, was the only full service travel agent with offices in Yerevan but now faces competition and has a mixed review from previous users, some desparing, others say they are swell. They seem to be the largest in the USA and may have the best deals. They have offered some excellent discount fares of late, at least on the web site, worth a try to see if the fares will play out for you.  The web site was recently redesigned into a much more handsome affair, though not always updated regularly and has issues using netscape.

SAK TOURS, c/o Kartli Hotel, 30 Barnov Street, Tbilisi, Georgia (995-32)-982966 Fax: (995-32)-999134 Email:

VIP & BTC, 36 David Aghmashenebeli Avenue, 380002, Tbilisi, Georgia (995-32)-941706 Fax: (995-32)-940364 E-mail:

DIMITRI AKHVLEDIANI AND NINO BERDZNISHVILI, Kalandarishvili Str. 14 Tbilisi 380002, Georgia (995-32)-951414 Fax: (995-32)-987924 Email: Esend messages to the attention of Nino Berdznishvili.

CGTT TBILISI, Hôtel Sakartvelo - 12, rue Melikichvili Tél : (995.32) 22.14.25 - Fax : (995.32) 22.14.26 - E-mail :


CGTT ALMATY, 69 a, KabanbaEBatyr - Bureau 303 / 304 Tél : (7.32.72) 93.80.84 - Fax : (7.32.72) 93.81.65 - E-mail : TASHKENT (OUZBEKISTAN) : 5, Ko'chasi Generala Karimova Tél : (998.71) 152.31.61 - Fax. (998.71) 152.68.22 - E-mail :


ALEXANDER TRAVEL (monomax ltd.), P.O.Box 168 ESt. Petersburg 195112 ERussia - +7 (812) 445 01 59 or +7 (812) 445 16 90 - Fax: +7 (812) 324 73 22 - E-mail: Unclear as to what services to Armenia are provided, buyt they do tours to St. Petersburg. St. Pete prices seem quite resonable for budget options.

CGTT MOSCOW, 4, Ulitsa Guiliarovskovo Tél : (7.095) 937.19.10 - Fax : (7.095) 937.19.11 - E-mail :

CGTT SAINT-PETERSBOURG, 42, Ulitsa Bolchaya Morskaya Tél : (7.812) 311.89.10 - Fax : (7.812) 311.60.02 - E-mail : DENALINE 11 Stoleshnikov lane, room #237; +(7095) 927-10-21 Fax: +(7095) 292-12-13 Moscow office for Armenia travel agency specializing in classical and unique adventure tours, archeology, eco-tours, educaitonal exchange. Web site has printable brochures in tour section.

VAO INTOURIST: Main: 13/1 Milyutinsky pereulok, 101990 Moscow, Russia - Fax: (095) 797 3060 - E-mail: Services: 3/5 Tverskaya St. (in the premises of Hotel Intourist) - 292-2190, 292-2365, 923-8575 - Fax: 292-2547 The grand puppy rides again! Of course they can get in and out of Armenia, on a budget, with vouchers and few Soviet remarks to boot! This is grand kitsch, worth every kopek.

VISA CONCORD, 2 Baghramian, Yerevan-2 - 405 021, 563 624, 522 162 , Fax: 563 624, 522 162 - E-mail:, Web site mostly down and mostly tours out, but enough into Armenia to be in this list. Armenia office for Visa Concord Russia.


CGTT KIEV, Hôtel Kreschtchiatik - 14, Kreschtchiatik Tél : (380.44) 229.82.42 - Fax : (380.44) 229.56.22 - E-mail :

See also
Budget Traveler
Travel Library
DMOZ Open Directory
Tran Siberian Journey


From Australia/New Zealand

General Interest:

ADVENTURE WORLD, 3rd Floor, 73 Walker Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060, AUSTRALIA Tel: (02) 8913 0755 Fax: (02) 9956 7707 Email:

CONCORDE TRAVEL, 403 George St Sydney NSW 2000 - (02) 9244 2000, Fax: Fax: (02) 9299 4928 - E-mail: Also offices in USA, Malta and elsewhere. Hopefully the tour services are not as lame as the web site, which doesn't work on Opera or Netscape, is extremely slow download and you cannot access anything each section is loaded--not worth the wait. Services unknown, big big company.

DESTINATIONS UNLIMITED (, P.O. Box 35-573, Browns Bay, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND - + 64-9-414 1680 - Free 0508 ETRAVELNZ - Fax: + 64-9-414 1689 - Email:

EAST EUROPE TRAVEL BUREAU, 5th Floor, 75 King St. Sydney, NSW 2000, and 343 Little Collins St., Melbourne, Victoria 3000 - (02) 262-1144, are two who can also book flights and arrange visas for you.

GATEWAY TRAVELS Gateway Travels ( (612) 9745 3333, fax (612) 9745 3237 e-mail: at 48 the Boulevard, Strathfield NSW 2135, Australia, specializes in the Former Soviet Union, which includes Armenian tours on their itinerary, but they are very expensive.

STA TRAVEL, (02) 516-2007 in Sydney, (03) 347-6911 in Melbourne, has offices in Australia and New Zealand and can book tickets through Aeroflot for you.

New Zealand: ADVENTURE WORLD, 101 Great South Road, PO Box 74008, Remeura, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND Tel: (9) 524 5118 Fax: (9) 520 6629 Email:

Adventure/Special Interest:

Agents for UK tour agencies include TOP DECK TRAVEL, No. 5/15 The Corso, Parklane Arcade, Manly, NSW 2095 - (02) 977-8555,

TOP DECK TRAVEL AUKLAND 4 Durham St. East, Auckland - (09) 390-464.

ADVENTURE WORLD, 73 Walker St, North Sydney, NSW 2060 - 1-800 221 931 - Fax: +61 2 9956 7707.

See also
Budget Traveler
Travel Library
DMOZ Open Directory


From Hong Kong

THE TRAVEL ADVISERS Ltd 906 Southseas Centre, Tower 2, 75 Mody Road, Tsimsatshui East, Kowloon, HONG KONG Tel: (852) 2312 7138 Fax: (852) 2312 7231 Email:

WALLEM TRAVEL, 46th Floor, Hopewell Center, 183 Queens Road East, Wanchai - 2876 9220, is the area's Intourist/Aeroflot Rep.

See also
Budget Traveler
Asia Guide
Travel Library
DMOZ Open Directory
Tran Siberian Journey


From Japan

Japan head office SVAX TT Bldg., 3-11-15 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 03-3434-9671(Reservation)@FAX:03-3434-9668

Narita Airport office Narita Airport Terminal 2, Narita-shi, Chiba 282-0004

Kansai Office 8F Imagawa Bldg., 2-2-17 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0042

Niigata Office Teiseki Bldg., 1-3-1 Higashi-Odori, Niigata-shi, Niigata 950-0087

SHINWA TOURIST CO, LTD 9th floor Nittetsu ND Tower, 1-5-7 Kameido Koto-ku, Tokyo, 136 Japan - Fax: +81-35-627-7719
Specializes in eco-tours to Armenia and around the world: flora, fauna and other botanical expeditions. Without the grand-standing and bravado, they have donated thousands of $$$ to Armenian botanical efforts. If you want general purpose tour, ask them to recommend.

For an amazing journey, take the Trans-Siberian Railway to Moscow, and fly down form there, or get a flight to Mineralni Vodi and fly into Yerevan. Also road options once you are in Russia. If you want to try the Trans-Siberian railway, the Yokohama to Nakhodka steamer can take you to a trunk line of the railway, and form there you can continue on.

See also
DMOZ Open Directory
Asia Guide


From Africa

South Africa: SHIRALEE TRAVEL 32 Main Road, PO Box 1420, Hermanus, 7200, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: (028) 3130526 Fax: (028) 3124507 Email:



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