Consulates Of The Republic Of Armenia
TourArmenia -
Updated 2025
USA Los Angeles Consulate General Mr. Armen Melkonian Consul General 50 North La Cienga Blvd, suite 210, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California 90211 Tel: (310) 657-6102, 657-7320 Fax: 657-7419
Federal Republic of Brazil San Paulo Consulate General Mr. Ashot Yeghiazarian Consul General Av. Sao Luiz, 192 - Conj. 1301 - CEP 01046 - 913 Sao Paulo - SP Tel: (5511) 255-77-07 Fax: 159-41-51
Syrian Arab Republic Aleppo Consulate General Mr. Areg Hovhannisyan Consul General A1-Kawakibi 4, Taha-Hussein 12, Aleppo Tel: (963-21) 268-7240 Tel: (963-21) 268-7241 Fax: (963-21) 268-7291
The Kingdom of Thailand Bangkok Consulate Honorary Mr. Norair Der-Kevorkyan Honorary Consul 28B Lake Rajada Office Complex, 193/117 Rachadapisek Rd., Klong Toey, Prakanong, Bangkok 10110 Tel: (662) 264-06-77 Fax: 264-06-78
State of Israel Jerusalem Consulate Honorary Mr. Tsolak Momjian Honorary Consul 1, Vitron street Atolot Industrial Zone Jerusalem Tel: (9722) 5833-053 Fax: 5833-305
Republic of India New Delhi Consulate Honorary Mr. Hovsep Seferian Honorary Consul A-153, New Frends Colony New Delhi 110065 Tel: (9111) 683-6784 Fax: 684-7548, 683-3177
Republic of Estonia Tallinn Consulate Honorary Mr. Garik Iknojan, Honorary Consul 4 Kuninga, 10146, Tallinn, Estonia Tel: (372) 641 8672, 677 3424 Fax: (372) 677 3966 GSM: (372) 50 400 90 E-Mail: http:///
Ukraine Donetsk Consulate Honorary Mr. Suren Asatrian, Honorary Consul 51/50 Artem Str. Tel: (380) 35-97-19
Cote d'Ivoire Abidjan Consulate Honorary Mr. Raymond Yezekelian Honorary Consul 01 B.P. 816 Abidjan 01 Tel: (225) 35-60-35
