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Creation Myths

Tour Armenia

This kind of myth is the oldest on earth and Armenia, sharing universal concepts of the Mother, Father, Heaven and Earth.

Heaven and Earth
Heaven and Earth were husband and wife.  Between them was a heavenly sea.  Heaven was also a city.  Sometimes called a priceless city.  Around the city was a high stone wall with a copper gate.
In the heavenly city there is a temple of light, built by stones of rainbow, with proud arches, it was a palace of light.  Everything there was brilliant light.  It was a wonder to see, there was no darken and no cold.  That was the house and place of immortality.

Earth turns on the horns of a bull.  When the bull shakes his head, earthquakes begin.  Others think the earth lay on an ocean, surrounded by the body of a fish named Leviathan (In the Bible and old Jewish legends, fish was a sea devil or whale--see Jonah).  The fish arches around the earth, its mouth one hand away from its tail, trying to bite it.  The fish thinks its tail is a beast playing with its nose, so the fish continues to follow its tail, trying to catch and bite it.  But it never will, from the beginning of the world until its end, Leviathan will never grow larger.  For if it did, the world would be destroyed and end.

But as Leviathan swims and tries to catch its tail, it wiggles, and the earthquakes.  On Leviathan's head is a large diamond, which shines day and night.  When he swims, the diamond shines in different places of the world.


Light and Darkness
An old folk tale, this was told to children in the evening before they went to bed.  It shares some images with other Minor Asia myths, but its patriarchal subject matter places it after the Mesolithic Period.

"Zhuk" (In folk Armenian zhuk means time, used it in a rhythmic phrase "Zhuk and Time" i.e. "Time and Time", meaning forever) controls light and dark on earth.  Zhuk is an old white-haired man, sitting on a very high mountain.  Zhuk and Time holds in his hands 2 balls of yarn, one white, and the other black.  First he rolls the white ball down the mountain, and then he rolls the black.  As he rolls the white yarn down one side of the mountain, he gathers the black yarn from the other side.  As the white ball of yarn rolls down the mountain, sunrise begins.  But when he gathers the white, and the black begins to roll down the other side, sunset begins and it becomes dark.

Darkness is reigned by Night Mothers, old witches who seduce snakes.  They are the foes of sun and light, who, from the beginning of creation race after the sun that they cannot catch.  When evening comes they crawl out from under the mountains to catch the sun.  But the sun has already set, only its last rays shine on the world.  At the moment of the last shining of the sun's rays, the Night Mothers blow together and darkness covers the world.  Holding snakes, they run throughout the land.  They fly into the mountains, into stones, into forests, into houses, villages and cities, thinking the sun is there.  Finally, having looked everywhere and not finding the sun, they fly into an old dry well that leads to the center of the earth, under the seas, where they continue to hunt for the sun.  At exactly that moment, in the East sunrise begins, and it becomes light, the sun rising from under the ground to heaven.  For if the Night Mothers will ever see the face of the sun, at that moment life on earth will cease to exist.  Everything will be destroyed and snakes will cover the earth.

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