Armenian Studies
A short sample of organizations/departments includes
Armenian Educational Council, Inc. (Architecture, History, Manuscripts)
((518) 274-4526, fax: (518) 271-7042),
Brunswick Hills East Road, Troy, NY 12180;
Columbia University Program in Armenian Studies
((718) 520-6951, (212) 280-2013),
500 Kent Hall, Box A, New York, NY 10027;
Center for Armenian Research and Publication,
University of Michigan-Dearborn
((313) 593-5181,
4901 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, MI 48128, USA;
Harvard University Armenian Studies Program
((617) 495-5757),
Dept. of Near Eastern Languages,
6 Divinity Avenue #103, Cambridge, MA 02138;
National Association for Armenian Studies & Research
((617) 489-1610),
395 Concord Ave., Belmont, MA 02178,
USA; Association des Etudes Armeniennes
((514) 861-6289),
P.O. Box 1556 Succursal Bonaventure, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H5A 1H6;
University of Southern California Friends of Armenian Music
((310) 472-4510, (213) 743-2692),
12144 Travis St., Los Angeles, CA 90049, USA;
Zoryan Institute for Contemporary Armenian Research and Documentation,
((617) 497-6713 fax: (617) 628-7880),
19 Day Street, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA and the
Zoryan Institute of Canada, Inc.
((416) 785-8597, fax: (416) 785-5434),
1858 Ave. Road #200, North York, Ontario, Canada M5M 3Z5.
England: The Centre for Armenian Information and Advice (CAIA) (Tel:
+44 (181) 992-4621, Fax: +44 (181) 993-8953), "Hayashen", 105A Mill Hill Road,
Acton, London W3 8JF, serves as an assistance service for the Armenian community
in and around London. They also provide Armenian translation services and information
to interested persons about Armenia.
Community Centers, USA
Call first to make arrangements to visit. Not all are open toe
the general public without prior arrangement. Armenian Community Centers of:
Pasadena, CA ((818) 791-0130); Fresno, CA ((209) 233-2315); Dearborn, MI ((313)
336-6840; Ridgefield, NJ ((201) 943-9650); Woodside, NY (718) 651-4687; Montebello,
CA ((213) 728-6493.
Friendship, Compatriot Societies
These are support and friendship association for the Diaspora.
Some welcome foreign guests, and others are more stand-offish. Call first
to make arrangements if you want to visit, or for a schedule of events.
These can be an excellent source of language, literature, culture, dance
and music information.
Armenian Society of Los Angeles
((818) 241-1073),
221 South Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA 91204;
Bolsahay Cultural Association
((416) 940-4099),
7605 Woodbine Ave., Markham, Ontario Canada L3R 2N4;
General Society of Vasbouragan
((313) 544-1747),
c/o 12702 La Salle, Huntington Woods, MI 48070;
Organization of Istanbul Armenians
((818) 997-9571),
16525 Sherman Way #C-3, Van Nuys, CA 91406;
Societe Des Armeniens D’Istanbul
((514) 337-0831),
2855 Victor Dore, Montreal, Quebec Canada H3M 1T1;
Union of Marash Armenians in Toronto
((416) 470-0412)
501 Alden Road, Toronto Canada L3R 6G4.
Performance, USA/Canada Film
The Armenian Film Foundation
((805) 495-0717)
at 2219 East Thousand Oaks Blvd., #292, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362, USA, distributes
films and videos on Armenian subjects.
Theatre, Dance
Antranig Dance Ensemble and Ardashad Theatre Group
((201) 797-7600),
585 Saddle River Road, Saddle Brook, NJ 07662;
Ardavazt Theatre Company
((818) 794-7942),
2495 E. Mountain St., Pasadena, CA 91104;
Armenian American Theatrical Society
((818) 668-1030),
3111 Los Feliz Blvd. #103, Los Angeles, CA 90039;
Armenian Folk Dance Society
((516) 248-3943),
482 Hillside Drive So., New Hyde Park, NY 11040;
Armenian Theatre Company
((213) 871-0997),
4935 Beverly Blvd. #23, Los Angeles, CA 90004;
Daron Dance Ensemble
((617) 926-1373),
247 Mount Auburn, Watertown, MA 02172;
John Chookasian International Folk Ensemble
((209) 449-1777),
2511 W. Browning Ave., Fresno, CA 93711;
Nairi Dance Ensemble
((514) 747-6680),
825 Manoogian Street, St. Laurent, Quebec Canada H4N 1Z5;
Theatre Armenien De Montreal
((514) 331-5332),
9310 Boulevard St. Laurent #1104, Montreal, Quebec Canada H2N 1N4.
Art Exhibits, Concerts
Armenian Artists Association of America
((617) 923-9174),
P.O. Box 140, Watertown, MA 02172;
Armenian Folk Orchestra
((213) 466-3726),
5351 Lemon Grove Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038;
Komitas Choir
((201) 569-3245),
Armenian Diocese, 436 Myrtle, Englewood, NJ 07631;
John Chookasian International Folk Ensemble
((209) 449-1777),
2511 W. Browning Ave., Fresno, CA 93711.
Armenian Cultural Organizations,
USA and Canada
The Mamikonian Cultural Association (Mamigonian Foundation)
((301) 460-0353),
14513 Woodcrest Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20853, USA
(514) 279-3066),
615 Stuart Ave., Outremont, Quebec Canada H2V 3H2;
the Tekeyan Cultural Association
((416) 293-7173),
2105 Midland Ave. Unit 1 B, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1P 3E3;
the Armenian Cultural Association of Washington
((206) 641-8204), 9731 S. E. 41, Mercer Island,
WA 98040;
and the Armenian Cultural Organization of Minnesota
((612) 545-5894);
actively organize Armenian cultural exhibitions, lectures and performances.
These organizations also promote the culture and language of Armenia and present occasional events, classes and concerts open to the public:
AGBU West ((213) 467-2428) and AGBU East
((212) 765-8260) for events organized by their many chapters in the USA and
Also try Armenian American Cultural Society of Las Vegas ((702)
the Armenian Associations of: Madison, WI ((608)
238-8058), Louisiana ((504) 383-6811), Toledo ((419) 475-6094);
Armenian Community of Oregon ((503) 645-4565);
Armenian Cultural Association of New Mexico ((505)
Armenian Cultural Centers in Lomita, CA ((310)
534-9112 and Forest Hills, NY (
((212) 268-3111;
Armenian Cultural Society of Akron/Canton ((216)
Armenian Independent Cultural Association of Atlanta ((404)
Armenian Network of America, New York and Washington DC ((202)
Armenian Renaissance Association, Massachusetts ((617)
Armenian Society of Greater Kansas City ((913)
Armenians of Colorado ((303) 933-9507;
Association Des Armeniens, Montreal ((514)
Armenian Society of New York, Inc. ((718)
Sister City/Exchanges
The Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City Association, Inc.
((617) 498-9000 Ext. 9535, (617) 354-0184),
57 Inman Street Hall Annex, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139,
promotes educational, cultural and other exchanges between the two cities of Cambridge, Massachusetts and Yerevan.
On the Net
See Arminco’s Armenian Sites on the Web for various
links to Armenian organizations and web sites. Some are rather cliquish
(The supposed public access TexaHye chat site is closed to all who "they
don’t know"), the Armenian embassy information is not completely up-to-date
(visas ARE available at the border), but browsing the pages is both illuminating
and informative.
Volunteering Opportunities
More opportunities will be coming, but these two will start
the wheels rolling:
Land and Culture Organization, Inc.
((212) 689-7811),
138 East 39th St., New York, NY 10016,
organizes the restoration of historic Armenian buildings and monuments on "historic
Armenian lands." They organize volunteer groups to work on the restoration
projects. Bay Area Friends of Armenia ((415)
474-2232, fax: (415) 474-2223), 2400 Broadway Street, San Francisco, CA 94115,
has an orthopedic surgeons and nurses training program in Armenia.